Free countries. Freedom in the world: Andorra took the 16th place in the list of “free” countries in 2016, according to the rating of the public organization “Freedom House”
Free countries. Freedom in the world: Andorra took the 16th place in the list of “free” countries in 2016, according to the rating of the public organization “Freedom House”. The ratio of the Principality is 96 out of 100, according to the website of the organization.
International human rights organization Freedom House published a report “Freedom in the World 2016”. This public organization prepares reports on the status of freedom in different countries around the world and appropriate ratings on the basis of its own methodology since 1973.
The report “Freedom in the World 2016” includes an analysis of 195 countries, as well as some territories which have no official state status. Participating in the rating of the state are divided on the principle of “free,” “partly free” and “not free”. The status of freedoms in the state associated with all aspects of this concept is evaluated by one‑hundred scale rate where 100 points is a measure of max freedom, and 0 points shows the lowest indicator. The General methodology of analysis is presented in the organization’s website.
The main conclusion contained in the report, is that an indicator of the level of political, civil (and other) freedoms globally is declining for more than 10 consecutive years.
“The world was battered by crises that fueled xenophobic sentiment in democratic countries, undermined the economies of states dependent on the sale of natural resources, and led authoritarian regimes to crack down harder on dissent. These developments contributed to the 10th consecutive year of decline in global freedom.