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Where to ski? Soldeu – El Tarter. Best ski tracks: Andorran Àliga SG Àliga SL

Where to ski? Soldeu — El Tarter: best ski tracks. Àliga SG Àliga SL

The history of the legendary area of Soldeu — El Tarter started in 1964, the year the resort opened with the inauguration of a two‑seater chairlift, a ski lift for beginners in Pla dels Espiolets and 10 skiable kilometres spread over 3 slopes: a red one, a blue one and a green one. Thanks to the investment of the Baró, Salvans and Torrellardona families and of Crèdit Andorrà, constituted in the ENSISA society in 1963, the resort expanded progressively during the 60s and 70s with the construction of the Soldeu bridge, which allowed for a more direct access to the resort, a new ski lift to get to the top part and to the upland of Tosa dels Espiolets, the creation of a ski school and the purchase of Andorra’s first snow‑grooming machine.

In the 1980s, more specifically in the 81–82 season, the resort expanded with the area of El Tarter with the inauguration of the Riba Escorxada sector, which had access to the town of El Tarter. Two new chairlifts were added, one from the foot of El Tarter to Riba Escorxada and another to connect the two plains, known as the Trans‑Siberian. Thanks to the entry of the Canillo parish as a shareholder in ENSISA with a 33% stake, the first snowmakers were set up to add snow to the Espiolets area, with two main centres created at the base of each resort to add snow to the slopes and to the lowest levels. In the 1990s, the Canillo parish and Crèdit Andorrà became majority shareholders of ENSISA. The entity capitalised its debt with the resort with shares and Canillo added the equivalent amount in shares with the objective of modernising the resort. Among other improvements, the winter of 96–97 saw the inauguration of the first eight‑seater ski lift in Soldeu, the first of its kind in the Pyrenees, which linked Soldeu with Pla d’Espiolets, achieving a new important step in connecting the town with the resort.

After a few political difficulties, the new sector of Forn was opened in the 2000–01 season, financed by the Canillo parish with the idea of creating a more exclusive type of product. The project included the installation of a ski lift, two chairlifts, two slopes, a beginner’s area and service area with a restaurant and a building for a ski school. So the largest spot where to ski appeared in Andorra. This is how the fusion of Soldeu — El Tarter and the new sector of Canillo was established