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During the ski season of 2004/2005 the resorts Pal — Arinsal and Ordino — Arcalis have merged their commercial interests under the name of Vallnord. With a universal ski pass the visitors have access to the slopes of both resorts. Today the resort VALLNORD encompasses the area with 67 slopes and the capacity of 55.690 skiers per hour.

In 2014 World Ski Awards confirms the title of the best ski resort of Andorra to Vallnord for the second time.

Vallonord ski schools in Arcalis, Arinsal and Pal offer the chance to take ski and snowboard lessons for all levels, starting from 6 years old, approximately. There are also the courses for learning or polishing other disciplines: telemark, freeride, freestyle.

The instructors are professional and multilingual. They either were educated in Andorra or officially confirmed their level, attained somewhere else. Schools have limited a capacity, thus the courses must be booked in advance.



During the ski season of 2003/2004 Grandvalira Pas de la Casa — Grau Roig and Soldeu — El Tarter resorts signed a commercial agreement on launching a unified ski zone Grandvalira. Thus, besides the fact that Andorra has got the largest skiing area in the Pyrenees, there is also one of the principal ski resorts of Southern Europe on its territory.

The ski trails of Grandvalira are divided into 6 sectors: Pas de la Casa, Grau Roig, Soldeu, El Tarter, Canillo and Encamp, that encompass the area of 1,926 hectares with 112 slopes and with the capacity of 100.700 skiers per hour.


Real estate market review Andorra

“PROS” and “CONS”. The major advantage of owning real estate in Andorra by both residents and non‑residents of the Principality is the absence of taxes for that. The only payments are the fees to local Comu administrations that do not surpass the annual limit of 400 euro for 500 m2 chalet. In neighbor Spain the tax for the analogue property can make up to 3000 euro annually, depending on the region.

Besides the owner of the property that costs more than 350 000 euro can apply for Andorran residence.

One more advantage of acquiring the property in Andorra is favorable geographical location of the Principality, its closeness to Barcelona and Toulouse as well as to Madrid, Biarritz and Cote D’Azur. In the beginning of 2015 the airport, that is located within 10 minutes driving distance from the border with Andorra (on the territory of Spain), was opened for the low cost flights to Barcelona, Madrid, Toulouse, Lisbon, Canary and Balearic Islands. The flight from Barcelona will take no more than half an hour.

The prices for Andorra real estate in the central Andorran streets (Meritxell and Carlemany avenues) didn’t go lower even during the crisis of 2008. In spite of high prices, it is not difficult to find spare trading areas here. The offers rarely emerge on the market and quickly find its new tenants or owners. The average cost of the rent in the central avenue makes about 100 euro per 1 m2 monthly


Moving to Europe. Europe relocation guide and tips: Andorra


1/ Direct taxes 10% — minimum in Europe. VAT remains at the level of 4.5%

2/ In accordance to International living index, Andorra takes the 12th position in the world for its living standards

3/ The GDP per capita index is higher than in the USA, Japan, Germany, France and Spain. It takes the 5th position in the world, outscored only by Monaco, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg and San‑Marino

4/ The banks of Andorra are included in the top‑20 of the most reliable banks in the world. The clients have an opportunity to open digital accounts. VIP banking is presented for the sums, starting from 3 mln euro

5/ The tax burden in reference to business is the lowest in the world. Corporate income tax is 10%, there is an opportunity to diminish it up to 2%. So Andorra becomes the optimal country to relocate to for business. In accordance to International living index, Andorra is in the list of top‑25 countries for the terms of business development in the world;


Europe immigration. European citizenship and residence: Andorra

Regular immigration legislation amendments came into effect on November 15, 2013. In accordance to them from the given time “passive” residence status will be given for 2-year term, then for 2-year term again and after that for 3-year term (previously it used to be 1+3+3). Subsequent prolongation (permanent residence) makes up 10 years, after that a resident may apply for the citizenship of Andorra. The prolongation of “active” residence is implemented in accordance to the scheme: 1+2+2+5+10. Further on an “active” resident may apply for the citizenship of Andorra.

Currently the Government of Andorra is preparing the bill, related to the diminishing of the terms of residence before getting the opportunity to apply for the citizenship of Andorra. Andorran legislation prohibits double citizenship and demands the applicant to refuse from his previous citizenship.


Offshore company formation

The registry of companies and offshores in Andorra. To buy a company in Andorra with the opportunity to minimize taxation up to the level of 2% profit tax. “Active” residence with labor permit (Compte propi)

Starting from 2012 non‑residents are allowed to launch private Andorran companies with the rights equal to the ones of the citizens of the Principality, though the application for such company should be first of all approved by the Department for Foreign Investments. A launched company should comply with certain requirements. Thus, due to the existing governmental policy of ecological balance preservation, the applications for industrial projects are declined in the majority of cases. The total amount of activity domains, welcomed by the Government of Andorra, makes up about 200: trade, tourism, high‑tech, education, construction etc.

In accordance to new rules, any person that possesses 10% or more of a company has the right to claim for “active” or Category B residency.


Best Social Security system (SS), pensions, healthcare and medical service

All employees and members of their families have the right for medical service in Andorra within the bounds of state system of social security (CASS, CaixaAndorrana de Seguretat Social) that is financed by the fees of employers and employees, in proportion to the wages. 75% of medical service cost is covered by the insurance in case of out‑patient treatment (the expenses for medicines and for the visits of doctors), 90% in case of hospitalization and 100% in case of accidents at work. The rest of expenses may be covered by the private insurance policy. Other citizens (passive residents, in particular, and tourists) need a private medical insurance. The cost of 1-year‑long medical insurance makes up 700 euro.

The system of social security and insurance was launched in Andorra in 1968 and is regulated, as it was mentioned above, by CaixaAndorrana de Seguretat Social (CASS). On 10th October, 2008 General Council endorsed the Law 17/2008 about Social security that came into force on 11th November, 2009. One of the key alterations of new legislation is related to the fact that CASS maintenance will be obligatory not only for employees and retirees, but also for small entrepreneurs.


La Seu D’Urgell

La Seu D’Urgell — a city located in the Catalan Pyrenees in Spain. The city is the capital of the Alt Urgell region, the center of the diocese of Urgel and the seat of the bishop of Urgell, one of Andorra’s co‑princes. The population of the city, according to 2017, was 12,458 people.

The city is located at the confluence of two rivers: Segre and Valira.

The main tourist attractions and architecture of La Seu D'Urgell: Cathedral of Santa Maria (Catedral de Santa Maria). The Cathedral of Santa Maria, built in the XII century, is the most famous building of the city and the region. This is the only cathedral in this style, preserved in Catalonia. The Cathedral of Santa Maria is built in the Romanesque style and dates back to the XII century, is the fourth and last of a series of cathedrals that were built in la Seu D’Urgell between the V and XII centuries.


Low tax system: Andorra. Tax rates

The taxation system in the Principality of Andorra was developing in accordance with the activities and the economic structure of the country, expanding tax bases in order to optimize the distribution of tax levies for the transition from almost entirely indirect taxation system to direct taxation system, corresponding the international level.

In accordance with the mandate established in the Constitution, the tax powers are distributed between the municipalities and the Government.

On the municipal level, an adopted law on the delimitation of competences of municipalities of November 4, 1993 establishes and defines the powers of municipalities within their self‑government authorities. The law of Andorra determines the local tax authority for the following taxes types


Andorra banks

European banks: best banks of Andorra. Banking secrecy

The assets under the management of 4 Andorran banks (01/01/2016): 44.982 mln euro

2. Solvency: 21.22%

3. Liquidity: 65.46%

4. Return on equity: 12.6%

5. The share of outstanding debts: 3.33%

6. Liabilities makeup (cumulative): zero debt. The banks are mostly backed up by means of customer inputs (75% of cumulative liabilities) and joint‑stock funds (10% of liabilities).

7. Banking sector is managed by the National Financial Institution of Andorra (INAF).

8. The banking secrecy in Andorra is regulated by the legislation: the Law on Banking Secrecy with amendments from May 11, 1995.


Smartinvestment. Andorra: investing money

According to the Government, the main trends in Andorra’s economical development are apparant in investments in the opening of a casino in Andorra, the development of logistics through the construction of a heliport and the launch of commercial flights in an airport in neighboring Spain (10 km from the border with Andorra), capable of having international flights.

After the adoption of the law 10/2012 “On Investments”, which allowed non‑residents to become 100% owners of companies, Andorra joins the list of the best countries for doing business in. After only three years of the law being adopted, according to the International Living Index, Andorra is on the list of the 15 countries with best business conditions.

At present, the tax burden on businesses in Andorra is one of the lowest in Europe. Corporate income tax is 10% with the possibility of a reduction of up to 2%. In Andorra, there is a fixed VAT rate of 4.5% which is also one of the lowest in Europe.

The rate of income tax for the population in Andorra is fixed at 10%, which is also one of the lowest in Europe. If the taxpayer’s income per family is not more than 24,000 euros per year, he may NOT pay income tax.


World languages: Catalan

About Catalan language

Catalan is one of Romanic languages. It is spoken by the citizens of 4 countries: Andorra, Spain, France and Italy. On the territory of Spain it is Catalonia or Principate, a greater part of Valencia, Balearic Islands and a small stripe of land in the east of Aragon. In France it is Eastern Pyrenees department (Languedoc‑Roussillon province), that is often called “Northern Catalonia”. Catalan is also spoken in Alger city (Sardinia, Italy). In Andorra Catalan has ever been a state language. In 2015 for the first time for many years Catalan language is considered to be the most often used among the population of Andorra. According to the research which is conducted every 5 years, 49% of respondents speak Catalan, read and write — 46% of respondents respectively.

All in all Catalan language is spoken by more than 10 700 000 of people.

There are 2 dialects in the modern Catalan language: eastern and western. Central (eastern part of Catalonia), Balearic, Northern and Roussillon are attributed to eastern dialect. The language of western part of Spain, Southern and Valencian are attributed to western dialect.

Catalan of Alger city is related to 1-st group, Andorran Catalan — to 2-nd group.


World history. History of Europe. Andorra

The first settlements in the territory of what would later become Andorra began in the Ice Age, but there were no large groups inhabiting this territory until after the retreat of glaciers. Archeological excavations demonstrate that from 3500–2000 BC small groups of people lived in valleys near the Rio Valira and in caves in what would later become known as Andorra. Later, groups of people migrated to the lower mountain levels, where they began to live in small groups or villages. It is a scientifically proven fact that people in those settlements used bronze tools. Worshipping the spirits of nature, forests and lakes, ancient Andorrans constructed megaliths and dolmens. Iberian coins were also found in the territory. It is believed that the name Andorra comes either from Iberian words “ando” (highest) and “ore” (iron), or from Celtic words “an” (blow) and “dor” (wind).

The war between Rome and Carthage for control over the Iberian Peninsula began in 220 BC. In 219–218 BC Carthaginian troops under the direction of Hannibal marched through the Pyrenees to Rome. The second Punic war lasted from 218 to 201 BC. In the resulting victory over Carthage, Romans took possession of Iberia.


Best education system. Three systems of school education in one country: Andorra

School (primary) education in Andorra. Educational technology

Andorra is the only country in the world with 3 educational systems: Andorran, Spanish and French.

As Irina Bokova (UNESCO CEO) said, “3 free education systems in Andorra—French, Spanish and Andorran — gives the chance to use this experience for the development of Global Education First Initiative (GEFI).

Officially, the level of literacy in Andorra currently stands at 100%. Educational expenses make up 3,8% of GDP (as per 2016).

There are 3 educational levels here: elementary, secondary and higher education. Elementary and secondary education is obligatory and free for Andorran citizens and residents.

3 systems of primary education (preschool), school education and educational technology in the country are divided: French (3 300 people), Spanish (3 100 people) and Andorran (4 300 people). According to the Statistics Department, the amount of pupils attending Andorran schools in 2015–2016 was 10,825. They study the majority of their school subjects in Spanish, French and Catalan (corresponding to the system they attend). All schools are built and backed up by Andorran authorities, though the wages of teachers at French and Spanish schools are paid mostly by France and Spain.


Political system of Andorra

Political system of Andorra

The official name of the country is the Principality of Andorra. Nowadays Andorra has a status of being a legally, democratically and socially independent country. On May 14th, 1933 the referendum over the first Constitution was held. That Constitution was approved by the majority of the citizens. According to this document a parliamentary principality was considered to be the basis of the state political regime. The form of government is a Parliamentary Principality.

Historically, the Co‑princes of Andorra as well as the Head of the State possess general and inseparable powers and can represent the Principality at the highest level. As stated in different versions of “Pariatge”, the decree of the co‑Princes of the State is personal and inseparable and belongs to the bishop of La Seu D’Urgell (Spain) and to the President of France. According to the same decree, the bishop of Urgell and the President of France guarantee the stability of Andorra’s political system. The Co‑Princes are also in a position to solve controversial issues of the Principality and participate in the process of taking decisions by the governmental and constitutional powers.


Airport Andorra

Airport Andorra. How to get to Andorra

The Principality of Andorra is located in a valley in the mid‑Pyrenees and consequently has neither an airport nor a railway. The only way to enter and leave Andorra is by automotive transport. One may enter Andorra via either the border with Spain or France.

Airport. The nearest international airports are located in Barcelona (Prat) and in Toulouse (Blagnac), each about 200 km away from Andorra.

The airport in La Seu d’Urgell, Spain, is located 10 km to the south of Andorra. The airport was opened for commercial flights at the beginning of 2015. In April 2016 the Spanish company Andorra Airlines launched regular flights from the airport Andorra‑la Seu d’Urgell to Madrid, Porto, Palma de Mallorca and Paris. Now the airport is still in a process to get a license to become an international airport.


Fun things to do

Fun things to do

Why visiting Andorra is a must?

1. Andorra — is one of the oldest states in the world. It is 14th oldest country in the world. The first settlements in the territory of what would later become Andorra began in the Ice Age. Pre‑Roman and Romanesque periods lasted here much longer than in other European countries, where the succession of art styles was much more dynamic. So now Andorra — is the unique museum under sky with churches dated by the IX‑XII centuries.

2. The Principality of Andorra is a small country that could be attributed to the group of European diminutive states together with Liechtenstein, Monaco and San‑Marino. Alongside with that, Andorra is the biggest out of this group. The area of Andorra makes up 468 km2. It takes less than 30 minutes to do fun thing and to cross the country by car.


What is and where is Andorra country?

The Principality of Andorra is a small country that could be attributed to the group of European diminutive states together with Liechtenstein, Monaco and San‑Marino. Alongside with that, Andorra is the biggest out of this group. The area of Andorra makes up 468 km2.

Location of Andorra: Andorra is located in the south‑west of Eurasian continent, between Spain and France, in the eastern part of the Pyrenees. The country hasn’t got access to sea; it is mostly located on the mountainous terrain at the height of 900 meters above the sea level.

Andorra has no airport but the roads to Spain and France allow getting to the airports of Barcelona and Toulouse within approximately 3 hours. It takes about 10 hours to drive to Paris and 8 hours — to Madrid.

The Principality of Andorra is a parliamentary democracy. The capital of Andorra is Andorra La Vella. The country is divided into 7 administrative districts (Comu). Andorra has got its own Constitution since 1993; the country is a member of UNO and other big international organizations, both political and economic.


Dinner ideas of Andorra by Carles Flinch

CARLES FLINCH FONT was born in Andorra la Vella on 30th April, 1972. He studied at the lycée Comte de Foix (Andorra) and then at Montpellier university, where he obtained a certificate of professional aptitude as a chef.

Speaking of Andorra’s exclusive recipes, Carles mentions “the amanida of xicoies” (a salad leaf that appears in the fields of the high mountain area in the early spring); “the amanida of enciam de Font” (a wild salad, which also appears in the spring near streams in the high mountains); and “arròs of esquirol” (a stew of rice with squirrel meat; although this dish is rarely made now as there is a strict limit on hunting) and “el formatge de tupi” (a creamy cheese, which is keeping in the cellars). Read blog dinner ideas


Andorra ski resorts

Andorra winter resorts — maximum density of ski lifts per square meter in the world with the capacity of 160 000 people per hour

According to the World Ski Awards — Andorra’s ski resorts are in the TOP 1o in the world. During 2016–2017 Andorra also took 13th place in the world ranking for number of skier visits, a ranking created by the Swiss consultancy Laurent Vanat.

Andorra has strong ties with the skiing world. The Principality is one of Europe’s most important destinations and skiing is a basic cornerstone of the country’s economy.

This relationship between Andorra and FIS SKI (International SKI Federation) began in 1957 with the inauguration of the Pas de la Casa‑Grau Roig ski resort, the first one in the country.


Best cars

Blog by Jordi Vilaro with photos of the best cars of Andorra: https://all‑andorra.com/category/blog/andorra‑cars‑by‑jordi‑vilaro/


Fairy tales

Once upon a time, many centuries ago when Man hadn’t come to Earth yet, Nature lived in absolute harmony. At nights stars sang their magic songs in the dark sky and below everybody listened to them enchanted: birds, trees and flowers, inhabitants of mountains and woods.

Once an Angel, God’s messenger, was flying over the mountains, carrying carefully a jug full of starry water, transparent and saving that gave life to everything it touched. Read fairy tales online


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