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Excursions from Toulouse

A visit to Andorra is one of the most interesting routes for tourists in Toulouse.

A trip duration — 1 day. It take 7 hours to get from Toulouse to Andorra and back by bus. The price of tour starts from €70 for 1 person (group tour). There are also individual excursions. You can book this excursion at any tourist office in Toulouse or at the front desk of your hotel. Pre‑booking for group tours is not required. There are aldo no discounts for advanced booking.

If you want to spend more than 1 day in Andorra, here are the direct web links to 153 hotels in Andorra for cheapest booking without intermediaries.


France immigration

Income tax in Andorra is fixed at 10% (0% if the income does not exceed 24000 euros per year). In France the progressive income tax rate varies from 5.5% (income €5 964 — 11 896), 14% (income €11 897 — 26 420), 30% (income €26 421 — 70 830), 41% ( income €70 830 — 150 000), 45% (income €150 001 — 1 000 000), to 49% (income more than €1 mln)

Indirect taxes (VAT) in Andorra are at 4.5%. There are 4 VAT rates in France: 20% — all products and services; 10% — is the average rate that applies to work related to the transformation, improvement and preservation of real estate, as well as repair of residential buildings older than two years. A similar rate applies to the following goods and services: aid services, transportation allowances, agricultural products, certain types of medicines; 5,5% — food, drugs, transport; 2,1% — main medicines.

The tax burden on businesses in Andorra is one of the lowest in Europe. Companies’ profits are taxed at 10% with an opportunity to reduce to 2% (if the relevant requirements are met). Andorra is listed among the 25 best countries in the world for business, according to the International Living Index. French residence means the highest level of corporate profit tax (33.33%) for businesses with a taxable income of more than 75,000 €. Enterprises that have a profit below this amount are taxed at a rate of 28%. In addition, there is a reduced rate of 15% for some companies whose profits are below 38120 euros. And, on the contrary, companies that have superprofits are taxed additional 3.3% of profits


How to start a business?

Starting a business in Andorra

The following organizational and legal forms of private companies and firms are currently available for registration in Andorra:

1. Societat Limitada (S.L.)
This is a private company with limited liability (LTD). This legal form of the enterprise is ideal for small businesses. Possible spheres — trade, services, small business. For registration S.L. you need a registered capital of 3000 €. The state single registration fee is 1104.77 € and 5.36 € (registration tax for the name of the enterprise in the Catalan language). State taxes and duties are annually around 850 €.
2. Societat Anònima (S.A.)
This is an approximate analogue of JSC (Open Joint Stock Company under the version of the legislation of the Russian Federation). This legal form of the enterprise is ideal for medium and large businesses, including large enterprises with a large number of shareholders. The authorized capital is 60,000 €. State single registration fee — 803 €


What is being smart?

Andorra is the only country in the world “where 3 education systems are simultaneously present”.

The literacy rate in Andorra is 100% and how to become smarter?

In 2016, Irina Bokova (UNESCO Director) visited Andorra and she said that “Andorra is the only country in the world where the presence of three primary educational systems — French, Spanish and Andorran — make it possible to use this experience for the development of the Global Education First Initiative (GEFI). There are no countries who share this trait in the world — Andorra is unique in this respect. ”

State investment in education in Andorra amounts to 4.8% of GDP (as of 01.01.2017)


Fast food

Fast food is a mass‑produced food that is prepared and served very quickly. The food is typically less nutritionally valuable compared to other foods and dishes. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered fast food, typically the term refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with frozen, preheated or precooked ingredients, and served to the customer in a packaged form for take‑out/take‑away.

McDonalds fast food restaurants are traditionally distinguished by their ability to serve food via a drive‑through. Outlets may be stands or kiosks, which may provide no shelter or seating,[1] or fast food restaurants (also known as quick service restaurants). Franchise operations that are part of restaurant chains have standardized foodstuffs shipped to each restaurant from central locations.[2]

Fast food began with the first fish and chip shops in Britain in the 1860s. Drive‑through restaurants were first popularized in the 1950s in the United States. The term «fast food» was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam–Webster in 1951


Minimum monthly wage in Europe

Minimal monthly wages is best associated with employee compensation based on the number of hours worked multiplied by an hourly rate of pay. For example, an employee working in an assembly plant might work 40 hours during the work week. If the person's hourly rate of pay is $15, the employee will receive a paycheck showing gross wages of $600 (40 x $15). If the employee had worked only 30 hours during that week, her or his paycheck will show gross wages of $450 (30 x $15). Because the paycheck needs to be computed based on the actual hours worked, the employee earning wages will likely receive her or his paycheck five days after the work period


Traditional dresses

A folk costume (also regional costume, national costume, or traditional garment) expresses an identity through costume, which is usually associated with a geographic area or a period of time in history. It can also indicate social, marital or religious status. If the costume is used to represent the culture or identity of a specific ethnic group, it is usually known as ethnic costume (also ethnic dress, ethnic wear, ethnic clothing, traditional ethnic wear or traditional ethnic garment). Such costumes often come in two forms: one for everyday occasions, the other for traditional festivals and formal wear.

Following the outbreak of romantic nationalism, the peasantry of Europe came to serve as models for all that appeared genuine and desirable. Their folk dress crystallised into so‑called «typical» forms, and enthusiasts adopted that attire as part of their symbolism.


Safest countries in the world

According to the World Bank’s report, Andorra ranks fifth in the world in terms of “political stability” and “no criminality” (index 1.32). To put this into context, neighboring Spain is in 31st place (index 0.01).

The crime rate in Andorra, including street crimes (pickpocketing, car theft, and disorderly conduct) are at almost zero. Andorra is on the list of the TOP 5 safest countries in the world.

Iceland, according to world criminal ratings, is on the top of the list of countries with the best security and total lack of criminal behaviour. At the same time, in 2016, Iceland was among the “top 10 non‑visited countries in Europe”. According to 2016 statistics, the number of tourists visiting Iceland was just over a million. This rating was published by one of the largest online avia tickets sales platforms “Orbitz”. On the contrary, according to the World Bank, Andorra is the most visited country in the world for the number of tourists per capita. In 2016 the number of tourists in Andorra exceeded 8 million.


Richest countries in the world

Andorra, according to the World Bank, is among top 15 countries with the highest GDP per capita. This figure in 2016 amounted to €35.785 mln (Department of statistics of Andorra).

According to International living index, Andorra is a 12-th position in the world in terms of level and quality of life.

The minimum wage in Andorra is 975 euros, while the average salary is about 2081 euros. At the same time the prices on food, electronics, luxury goods in Andorra are one of the lowest in Europe: VAT rate in Andorra (4.5%).

Index “Big Mac”: Andorra — $3.02. The most expensive big Mac is in Switzerland $6.82, followed by Norway at $5,65, Sweden — $5,13, Denmark — $5,08.

The MINIMUM taxation of citizens and residents. Income tax rate in the rich countries such as Andorra is one of the lowest in Europe and the world (10%). You don’t pay income tax AT ALL, if your annual profit (for the family) is less than 24000 euro.


Smartphones & cell phones

A smartphone is a handheld personal computer with a mobile operating system and an integrated mobile broadband cellular network connection for voice, SMS, and Internet data communication; most if not all smartphones also support Wi‑Fi. Smartphones are typically pocket‑sized, as opposed to tablets, which are much larger. They are able to run a variety of software components, known as “apps”. Most basic apps (e.g. event calendar, camera, web browser) come pre‑installed with the system, while others are available for download from official sources like the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Apps can receive bug fixes and gain additional functionality through software updates; similarly, operating systems are able to update. Modern smartphones have a touchscreen color display with a graphical user interface that covers the front surface and enables the user to use a virtual keyboard to type and press onscreen icons to activate «app» features. Mobile payment is now a common theme amongst most smartphones.


Electricity prices: the highest price for 1 kWh in Europe was fixed in Germany, the lowest – in Andorra

Electricity prices: the average price for 1 kWh of electricity in EU was 91% higher than in Andorra. The cost of 1 kWh of electricity in Andorra amounted to $ 0.1075 €, in 28 countries of EU combined figure was 0.2052 €.

The highest price for 1 kWh was fixed in Germany (177% higher than in Andorra), Ireland (136% higher than in Andorra), and Spain (120% higher than in Andorra). In neighbouring France price for 1 kWh was fixed at 0.1620 € per 1 kWh (51% higher than in Andorra).

In terms of price for 1 kWh of electricity for industrial consumers (20–500 MW) the difference is not so high. For example, in France and in Spain this figure is higher than in Andorra for 12% and 46% respectively. Indicators of Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom have higher rates of 110%, 105% and 66%, respectively.


Segre Olympic rafting Park in La Seu D’Urgell

Segre Olympic rafting Park. La Seu D’Urgell

The Rafting Parc, is located 200 metres from the old city of La Seu d’Urgell, provides active tourism lovers with the chance to enjoy sporting activities. The rafting, canoeing, open‑kayak and hydrospeed activities take place in an unparalleled setting and can be enjoyed with full safety guarantees. All services are available all year round.

In 1982, heavy rains led to disastrous flooding in La Seu D’Urgell, which demonstrated the need to intervene in the bed of the river Segre and to reconstruct the river close to the city. This fact coincided with the decision taken by the International Olympic Committee in 1988 to make La Seu D’Urgell the place for the white water canoeing event as part of the Olympic Games in Barcelona. The design of the Segre Olympic park, centered around a new canal which is fed from Segre river, was inaugurated in October 1990. In 1992 it hosted the white water slalom trials of the XXV Olympic Games. The work was extremely useful as it allowed for the sympathetic development of a area close to the city and established a major sports facility in a region.


Highest capital city in Europe – Andorra la Vella

Andorra la Vella is located in the south‑west of Andorra, at the confluence of two rivers — Valira del Nord and Valira de l’Orient.

Andorra la Vella has an oceanic climate with mid — mild summers, no snowy winters. The average annual precipitation is 780 mm (34 in).

The parish of Andorra la Vella (parriquia Andorra la vella) is divided into: Andorra la Vella, La Comella, La Margineda and Santa Coloma.

Andorra la Vella — is a political centre of the Principality. The buildings of government and parliament are located in a historic part of the city. Andorra la Vella is part of the Union of Ibero‑American Capital Cities since 1982.

Andorra la Vella is a business centre of the principality. 76% of the GDP (01.01.2017) is derived from the 8 million tourists who visit the country every year. Andorra la Vella — is also a banking capital of Andorra. There are 5 bank offices (5 Andorra banks). The assets under the management of five Andorran banks: 35.390 mln euro


Best european cities: Andorra. Beautiful city in the world

Andorra is divided into 7 “parroquias” (parishes): the capital is Andorra La Vella (city of Andorra la Vella), Canillo (city of Canillo), Encamp (city of Encamp), La Massana (city of La Massana), Ordino (city of Ordino) and San Julia de Loria (city of Sant Julia de Loria), Escaldes‑Engordany (city of Escaldes‑Engordany). Seventh, Escaldes‑Engordany was founded in 1978.

Capital of Andorra: city of Andorra la Vella
Population: 20,430 (01.01.2017)
Timezone: GMT +1 Europe/Andorra
latitude: 42.50779 x longtitude: 1.52109


Land Art: Andorra

Land art, variously known as Earth art, environmental art, and Earthworks, is an art movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, largely associated with Great Britain and the United States, but which included examples from many countries. As a trend «Land art» expanded boundaries of art by the materials used and the siting of the works. The materials used were often the materials of the Earth including for instance the soil and rocks and vegetation and water found on‑site, and the siting of the works were often distant from population centers. Though sometimes fairly inaccessible, photo documentation was commonly brought back to the urban art gallery.

Concerns of the art movement centered around rejection of the commercialization of land art‑making and enthusiasm with an emergent ecological movement. The art movement coincided with the popularity of the rejection of urban living and its counterpart, an enthusiasm for that which is rural. Included in these inclinations were spiritual yearnings concerning the planet Earth as home to mankind.


How to learn a foreign language? Andorra: whole country as a language learner

To learn a foreign language fluently is really only possible when you are in a country where you can communicate with native speakers every day.

All other methods are just to understand and learn grammar. To speak the language fluently is quite another thing.

And you don’t need to be limited to just one language — there are countries in the world whose residents speak two or sometimes three languages. One of these countries is Andorra: Andorrans speak Catalan (the official language of the country), Spanish (because of the southern neighborhood of Spain) and French (because of the northern neighborhood of France).

All these three languages ​​are completely different. However, many foreigners often confuse words in Spanish and Catalan, so this language mix has its own name — Spatalan (something between Spanish and Catalan). Some people also say that Catalan is more like French in terms of the structure of the words, but not in the pronunciation!



Романов Роман, PolitRussia, пожар, Кемерово, Народное телевидение

Кемерово: мрази пляшут на костях.

Павел Пламенев — Стань птицей (посвящается памяти погибших в Кемерово 25.03.2018 г.)


Клин клином

Fire with Fire, 2012

Криминал, Отношения, Адреналин, Для всех

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Здравый смысл.

PolitRussia, Руслан Осташко, Народное телевидение

Кто поимел Цукерберга и когда обвинят Путина?

Schubert: Schwanengesang (Standchen) (Kate Simko & London Electronic Orchestra remix


Шуберт (Сериал)


Интрига, Криминал, Повод задуматься, Для всех


Deal with Looking at inside Poker Games
Holdem poker is definitely one wagering online game that has been thus popular between every person given that it isn’t simply played out inside gambling dens; yet also on‑line. Today holdem poker for anyone those who have certainly not the particular tiniest thought ~ is actually any credit card online game just where all the participants are shown a couple of control cards to utilize and after that will be certainly one more several control cards around the terrace which can be named neighborhood control cards just where everybody is able to put it to use to make the particular best pair of control cards with several control cards. Every single stage will be then any gambling right up until the particular success is set. Typically a new player with all the best mix of control cards is recognized as as the clear winner.

For anyone considering Holdem poker who wants to end up being a professional or at least work well adequate to find out the way to handle the particular control cards, there are many methods and also crucial classes to master. If you would like figure out how to enjoy holdem poker firstly you must grasp it is principles. While you are enjoying holdem poker in person or perhaps inside genuine; your current cosmetic manifestation can easily communicate quite a bit regarding the control cards that you simply maintain. It is just a simple individual inclination which our thoughts turn out as movement whether it be rage, pleasure or perhaps misery, woe, anguish. Holdem poker is around bluffing and also covering; thus looking at the facial skin can be quite a fantastic assistance to really know what your current challenger is about. It is quite tough for those who to keep expressionless or perhaps end up being great whenever their body movements and also movement express all of it so that it may be furthermore employed by your current challenger in opposition to an individual. Honestly, that is reasons why many very good holdem poker participants constantly continue to be emotionless whatever control cards visit these.



How to make money? Money making ideas

If you asked such a question and asked it on the internet, most likely, you are interested in earning legitimately. It is always more difficult to earn money legally, as it is a longer process and you’re less likely to earn millions at a time.

First of all, you need to understand where you want to make money. Are you satisfied with everything in the country in which you’re living? Will this country allow you to earn as much money as you want, and how will you see yourself, having earned, in that country.

Obviously, many countries in terms of “making money” are not all that good, otherwise business immigration from these countries would not constitute such a large percentage of the total population.

In which countries is it easier and faster to make money without being afraid of the future consequences of tax and banking costs?